CRN North Thames Participant Research Experience Survey (PRES) Summary report 2023/24

  • Published: 21 August 2023
  • Version: V1
  • 9 min read

CRN North Thames Participant Research Experience Survey (PRES) report 2023/'24

Total number of responses submitted during 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024

Type of response Number of responses
Total CRNCC Adult's PRES responses 33,659
Total national children and young people’s PREs responses 1,860
CRN North Thames PRES 2023/'24 target 1,650
CRN North Thames total responses 2,381
CRN North Thames adult responses 2,232
CRN North Thames children and young people’s responses 149

Figure 1. PRES national performance by year 2020 - '24

graph showing PRES National Performance by Year 2020 - 2024

Figure. 1 illustrates the annual PRES data for all LCRNs.

It shows that the number of PRES responses submitted by partner organisations in North Thames from financial year 2020/'21 to financial year 2023/'24 fluctuated, showcasing a notable dip in responses during financial year 2021/'22 explained by effects of a significant change in staffing, followed by a recovery in subsequent years with significant contribution from all partner organisations.

Figure 2. PRES national performance by quarter in financial year 2023/'24 

graph showing PRES National Performance by Quarter in 2023/2024

Figure 2 illustrates the quarterly performance of all LCRNs. North Thames had a strong start in quarter 1, with substantial contributions. Quarter 2 maintained similar progress to quarter1, while quarter 3 showed a slight decline. Quarter 4 saw a remarkable increase, making it the highest contributing quarter and securing CRN North Thames the fifth position nationally.

Figure 3. CRN North Thames partner organisations' PRES performance by year 2023-'24

graph showing PRES CRN NT Partner Organisation’s Performance by Year 2023-2024

Figure 3 shows the total number of PRES responses for each site in North Thames and compares the number to their individual targets as highlighted by the orange line. Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust (RFL) received the highest number of all (529) with University College London Hospitals NHS Trust (UCLH) a close second. Several sites did not reach their target but some exceeded it, most notably; Noclor and University College London Hospitals. Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals (BHRUT) and Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (C&I) also doubled their targets. 

Financial year 2023/'24 marked the first time all partner organisations contributed to PRES, showcasing our collective commitment to obtaining feedback from research participants on their experiences. Congratulations to all partner organisations for achieving this milestone. This financial year (2024/'25), North Thames will continue to push for all sites to meet or surpass their PRES targets, with a special focus on how sites use their PRES data to improve participants’ experiences. Barts Health NHS Trust (Barts) and RFL had the highest targets, which RFL exceeded but Barts did not meet.

Figure 4. PRES 2023-'24 overview: CRN North Thames (highest) performing studies for PRES

table showing North Thames (highest) Performing Studies for PRES

Figure 4 highlights the top six highest performing studies for PRES in CRN North Thames. Congratulations to all research teams who worked to deliver PRES on these studies. 

A special recognition goes out to the RFL (highest recruiting Partner Organisation for PRES financial year 2023/'24) for their systematic approach to PRES, involving a thorough review of NIHR-adopted studies, assigning a dedicated PRES coordinator, and integrating PRES delivery into study schedules. The active involvement of their Associate Director of Nursing Research has been pivotal in their success.

Figure 5. CRN North Thames annual PRES contributions to national total

graph showing North Thames CRN Annual PRES Contributions to National Total

Figure 5 shows the performance of North Thames in relation to the overall network contribution to PRES responses over the years  (based on the contribution of 15 LCRNs in total). 

In financial year 2020/'21 North Thames contributed 2,425 PRES responses, making up 12% of the annual network total. This indicates a strong performance within the network.

In financial year 2021/'22 there was a significant decline in contributions due to a negative impact of staff changes, with only 1,086 PRES responses, representing 4% of the network total. This year showed a notable drop in their overall contribution.

In financial year 2022/'23, with a full time dedicated PPIE Manager, North Thames saw a substantial recovery, with 2,905 PRES responses, accounting for 9% of the network total. This marked a significant improvement from the previous year.

In financial year 2023/'24 the contribution slightly decreased to 2,381 PRES responses, which constituted 7% of the network total. Despite the drop from the previous year, this is still a solid contribution.

Overall, CRN North Thames has shown variability in the annual contributions, with a notable dip in 2021/'22 followed by a strong recovery in the subsequent years, maintaining a significant role in the network’s total PRES responses.

Figure 6. Children and Young Persons' PRES performance over time


graph showing children and young person's  PRES Performance Over Time

Figure 6 denotes how well Children and Young people (CYP) PRES performed in the North Thames over time. Financial years 2020/'21 and 2021/'22 portray a 96% adult PRES contribution and a 4% CYP PRES contribution, whilst financial year 2022/'23 shows 91% to 9% split for adult versus CYP PRES contributions. Financial year 2023/'24 shows a 94% to 6% split for adult versus CYP PRES contributions. 

Overall, North Thames saw a notable dip in CYP PRES in financial year '21/'22, followed by a substantial increase in financial year '22/'23 and then a slight decline in financial year '23/'24.

Figure 7. Digital and paper responses

For financial years 2021/'22 - 2023/'24 there were various options to submit forms digitally, via hard copy, or using stick-and-seal freepost PRES forms. Figure 6 shows the split between these digital and paper submission methods. 

  • For financial year 2021/'22 - The graph indicates a 57% contribution from paper responses and 43% from digital responses.
  • For financial year 2022/'23 - With the introduction of stick-and-seal Adult PRES paper forms in North Thames, paper responses increased to 65%, while digital responses were at 35%.
  • For financial year 2023/'24 -With options to submit digitally or using stick-and-seal Adult and CYP PRES forms, the split remained 65% for paper responses and 35% for digital responses.

Going forward with PRES, we aim to encourage more responses digitally. Our analysis shows that the stick-and-seal orders we send out do not correspond to a high level of response rates received. By promoting digital submissions, we hope to improve on cost, efficiency and increase the overall response rate.

graph showing Digital and Paper Responses to 2024 PRES

Figure 8. CRN North Thames Adult satisfaction performance 2021/'22 - 2023/'24

Question Historical   External for 2023/'24
21/22 22/23 23/24   National Av. North Thames
1. The information that I received before taking part prepared me for my experience on the study 95% 90% 93%   93% 93%
2.I feel I have been kept updated about this research 74% 76% 79%   72% 79%
3.I know how I will receive the results of this research 79% 76% 75%   77% 75%
4.I know how to contact someone from the research team if I have any questions or concerns 90% 79% 86%   84% 86%
5.I feel research staff have valued my taking part in this research study 94% 92% 94%   92% 94%
6.Research staff have always treated me with courtesy and respect 98% 97% 98%   95% 98%
7.I would consider taking part in research again 95% 90% 90%   91% 90%

Figure 9. North Thames Children and Young Person satisfaction performance 2021/'22 - 2023/'24

Question Historical   External for 2023/'24
21/22 22/23 23/24   National Av. North Thames
1. The information that I received before taking part prepared me for my experience on the study 95% 96% 94%   95% 94%
2.I feel I have been kept updated about this research 73% 91% 89%   75% 89%
3.I know how I will receive the results of this research 70% 76% 79%   82% 79%
4.I know how to contact someone from the research team if I have any questions or concerns 79% 93% 88%   86% 88%
5.I feel research staff have valued my taking part in this research study 89% 99% 98%   91% 98%
6.Research staff have always treated me with courtesy and respect 98% 100% 99%   94% 99%
7.I would consider taking part in research again 84% 96% 89%   89% 89%

Summary of Responses to Key Questions:

  • The percentage of adults who strongly agree or agree that the information that they received before taking part prepared them for their experience on the study increased from 90% to 93% 
  • The percentage of adults who strongly agree or agree that they had been kept updated about the research they were taking part in slightly increased from 76% to 79%.
  • Notably, 86% percentage of adults knew whom to contact if they had any questions or concerns, an increase of 7% from the previous year.
  • 75% of adults knew how they would receive the results of the research, a slight decrease of 1% from the previous year.
  • On 5 out of 7 of the questions for adults, North Thames participants' responses met or exceeded the national average when compared to all other LCRNs, with the remaining two questions just below the national average. 
  • Similarly, in 5 out of 7 of the questions for CYP, North Thames participants' responses met or exceeded the national average when compared to all other LCRNs, with the remaining two questions just below the national average. 
  • For the children’s survey, there was a decrease in percentages for six key questions in the financial year 2023/2024.
  • 89% of young people would consider taking part in research again, a decrease of 7% from the previous year.
  • 98% of children strongly agreed or agreed that the research staff valued their taking part in research, compared to 99% last year.
  • The percentage of young people who knew how they would receive the results of this research rose from 76% to 79% in financial year 2023/'24, showing a slight increase.
  • In financial year 2023/'24, 99% of young people felt staff always treated them with courtesy and respect, falling short of the 100% achievement recorded in financial year 2022/'23.
  • There are several issues identified to be addressed at a site level. We will collaborate with sites to develop and implement improvement plans to resolve these issues.

Figure 10. When asked: What was positive about your experience?

“It was very simple to understand and straight forward with what would be happening. The staff were very nice and made it a pleasant process. Mid and South Essex participant Good explanations and a very pleasant manner. Relaxed atmosphere and efficient delivery of questions and conversation. NELFT participant The research midwife in particular went the extra mile to ensure all my needs were accommodated and it was very valuable to be seen by the same team throughout pregnancy so far. Homerton University Hospital Trust participant Staff here are always professional, kind and courteous. They make sure I understand every part and use language I understand. My visits to clinic are always a pleasure. RFL participant”

Priorities for PRES for financial year 2024/'25

  1. Utilisation of PRES Data for Local Improvements:
  • Launch a 'You Said, We Did' campaign in collaboration with the communications team to highlight how sites are using PRES data to drive improvements.
  • Develop individual PRES reports for each Partner Organisation to facilitate local improvements.
  • Explore with our partners if there is any assistance the PPIE team can provide in helping them use PRES data to drive local improvements. Perhaps by creating a proforma/guide to aid in developing local PRES improvement Plans, focusing on actionable insights from open-ended responses, particularly those indicating reluctance to participate in future studies.
  1. Introduction of PRES pre filled links:
  • Fully implement PRES pre filled links to simplify the digital PRES delivery process for participants, ensuring accurate data collection.
  • Conduct a survey to assess the effectiveness and identify any issues with pre filled links, using feedback to make necessary adjustments. 
  • Highlight success stories like Mid and South Essex’s effective use of pre filled links (Fig 11).

Figure 11. Mid and South Essex example of how they are using pre filled PRES links

Mid and South Essex Example of How They are Using Prefilled PRES Links
“Great initiative from @NIHRCRN_nthames to advance PRES responses with QR specific codes per study. @MSEResearchTeam we are ready to circulate to #cardiac research participants” .
  1. Enhancing PRES in Non-NHS Sites:
  • Address the gap in PRES delivery at non-NHS sites by embedding PRES into their research culture, leveraging our agile workforce in this approach
  1. Focus on Children and Young People's Surveys:
  • Investigate the decline in CYP survey responses and collaborate with Partner Organisations heavily involved in children's studies to enhance PRES delivery.
  • Work with PRES Leads, Children's Specialty Leads, and the North Thames Children's Research Champion to improve engagement and response rates.
  1. Seamless Transition to the Research Delivery Network:
  • Provide support and ensure a smooth transition for Partner Organisations moving to different networks as we transition into the Research Delivery Network, coordinating with PRES leads and the appropriate RDN PPIE lead to facilitate this.

These priorities aim to enhance the PRES process, ensuring that participant feedback is effectively used to improve research experiences and outcomes across our network.