CRN West of England funding model 2023/24

  • Published: 20 March 2023
  • Version: V1
  • 1 min read

Following the announcement of additional Clinical Research Network (CRN) funding by the Department of Health and Social Care, CRN West of England’s total funding allocation for financial year 2023/24 increased to £15.9 million. As a result of this increase, CRN West of England’s Partnership Group approved an uplift of 6.7% to be applied to all partner organisation and primary care funding allocations.

Partner organisation Allocation
Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust £420,144
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust £261,686
Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust £1,216,203
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust £608,986
North Bristol NHS Trust £2,456,169
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust £1,309,741
University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust £4,303,158
Primary Care (Research Site Initiative and Service Support Costs) £680,197

An additional £927k will be awarded to organisations across primary care and secondary care to support under-served communities, clinical support services and other development objectives. Development funding will be prioritised for trusts that are disadvantaged by the current funding model.