John - Barack D Study

  • Published: 17 July 2023
  • Version: V1.0 - July 2023
  • 1 min read

Research participant John says: 'I am a 59 year old man who has had Ankylosing Spondylitis from my early twenties and as a result, I was well aware of the risk of taking anti-inflammatory drugs which could cause issues with my stomach and kidneys.

'Over the years the numerous blood tests would monitor my kidney function, amongst other things.  Nearly three years ago my GP contacted me and asked if I would like to participate in the Barack D trial  which was to study people with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).  

'Shock horror, I didn't even know I had CKD!  But the good news was after speaking to the GP, it wasn't that serious.  I received a fairly comprehensive information pack of what the trail was monitoring.  Did I read it all?  Probably not.  

'The study required me to have regular blood tests, blood pressure readings taken and using a supplied monitor, I would have to take my own readings twice daily for a week every few months whilst taking the drug Spiroactilane.  The amount of time this takes is reasonable, requiring me to attend the GP surgery every three months to test and complete questionnaires.  The benefit I saw in this was additional professionals were looking more closely at my health - no brainer, let's do it!  

'The effectiveness of the monitoring was shown very early in the study when it was seen that the drug was actually worsening my kidney function.  I was asked to stop taking the drug but would I continue the monitoring, which I was more than happy to do.  Around a year later the results were such that my GP sent me to a Consultant who I also see every six months although he is happy with the progress of the disease.'