Projects supported by CRN Greater Manchester strategic funding for 2022/23

  • Published: 17 May 2022
  • Version: V1
  • 3 min read

Relevant Research projects 

1. £15,349 - Funding to extend recruitment in the CAR T-cell therapy cohort of the EMBRaCE-GM (Enhanced Monitoring for Better Recovery and Cancer Experience in Greater Manchester) study.

2. £7,517 - Funding will support a multi-disciplinary team of researchers from the University of Salford who are leading the implementation and evaluation of an HEE funded pilot interprofessional training care-home scheme across Greater Manchester. The Project collaborates with colleagues from Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Bolton, and the University of Manchester. Approved funding for enhanced Research Delivery 2022-23 to develop two interrelated activities:
1) hosting of a roundtable discussion and;
2) production of two short films.

3. £68,150 - Funding will support a project between multiple partners bringing together expertise from organisations across Greater Manchester to drive Long Covid research and developing a digital infrastructure containing a database of research-ready participants, who can then be approached for participation in studies.

4. £16,400 - This funding will support the expansion of cervical research across Greater Manchester.

Inclusive Involvement projects 

5. £7,000 - The funding will support the delivery of a study designed to understand how a digital platform for patient feedback can be optimised to maximise the engagement of patients in feedback to NHS Organisations. The study will evaluate how the approach to patients, the wording of questions, and the timing of the approach and engagement can impact the likelihood of patient response, the nature of the answer given, and the patient experience with having been approached for participation.

6. £40,800 - Funding to support R&I activities across the Northern Care Alliance communities, GP surgeries & integrated care services.

7. £65,042 - Greater Manchester now has a Research Van with a Pharmacy and clinic room built-in 2021, and this funding will support the rollout to make the van operational. The van will allow clinical research in Greater Manchester to go into communities, enhancing the options for the public to participate in research and enabling researchers to plan new research to better target local needs.

8. £17,500 - Population Health Fellowship. The population health fellow will be supported by academic partners from the University of Manchester to develop skills in population health and engage with the local community to create specific areas of research and research projects.

9. £50,000 - This funding will support a key strategic aim to enable the delivery of care closer to patients' homes.

10. £19,000 - This funding will support a proof of concept project to determine the minimum requirements needed to deliver research in prisons using digital technologies, developing National Guidelines on Digital Prison Research Delivery.

11. £14,898 - Funding will support work to conduct a public and professional consultation to examine whether a common mental health dataset in physical health is sufficiently culturally sensitive. To ensure that the work is responsive to inequalities in mental health among people of different ethnic backgrounds in the UK.

12. £17,400 - Funds will support a Research Support Officer post to focus on activities to facilitate increased engagement and participation in NIHR portfolio research of underserved communities across the Northern Care Alliance geographical footprint – Salford, Rochdale, Oldham and Bury.

13. £22,431 - "Increase the diversity of participants taking part in NIHR portfolio rare disease trials. In particular, those from minority ethnic groups experience higher rates of rare diseases than the general population. Funding to support a Rare Conditions Research Fellow should increase the number of NIHR portfolio interventional rare disease trials open in Greater Manchester and increase the total number of participants participating in these trials.

14. Inclusive Involvement £10,686 Funding will support a series of virtual education sessions to showcase the research ongoing in Manchester and deliver high-quality education to healthcare professionals from across Greater Manchester. This proposal will also encourage new collaborations across GM and enable discussions regarding future opportunities in research across the region.

15 £40,000 - This funding will help reduce barriers and facilitate research involvement of South Asian and Black communities in NIHR portfolio research studies.

Exceptional Experience projects 

16. £12,000 - The funding will support a study to understand the performance of trial setup (up to the first patient recruitment) and its experience in GM. The work will aim to
a) prospectively study Trials Setup pathway and processes over 12 months
b) benchmark performance data across organisations
c) identify barriers, facilitators and interventions for improvement.

17. £20,500 - This funding will support the enhancement of a focus on service improvement that will allow us better to understand the customer experience for staff and sponsors. 

18. £48,800 - Support for two research assistant training posts as student placements within the research delivery teams across the Northern Care Alliance (NCA). As part of the ongoing commitment to nurture and develop future talent, the NCA has formed a collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), which aims to build the capacity of the research workforce and increase the capability to deliver a broad range of NIHR portfolio studies. "

19. £52,133 - Funding will support the scope of the requirements of creating a satellite pharmacy at the NIHR Manchester Clinical Research Facility.

20. £34,600 - Funding will support a Clinical Nurse Specialist in the Experimental Cancer Medicine Team (ECMT) at The Christie NHS Foundation Trust.

21. £10,900 - Funding will support a project to refine and validate a bowel screening questionnaire administered as an electronic patient-reported outcome measure (EPROM) to detect recurrence/development of malignant bowel obstruction at the earliest point.