
2022/23 Patient Research Experience Survey results: A year of positive feedback from research participants

  • 13 August 2023
  • 2 min read

2022/23 proved to be another great year in regards to research participation in Yorkshire and Humber. This was evident in the number of people participating in health and social care research, as well as the results from the year’s Patient Research Experience Survey (PRES). PRES provides us with plenty of feedback on people’s experiences in research, as well as areas in which we can improve in the future.

This year, we gathered 3,278 results from all of our 22 Partner Organisations, as well as 36 of our Primary Care settings. Of these results, 3009 were from adults, and 269 were from children and young people (C&YP)

PRES 22/23 was delivered from 261 adult studies and 35 C&YP studies, some of the most popular studies in regards to responses being:

  • Yorkshire Lung Screening Trial
  • Born in Bradford Growing Up

Another year of positive experiences

Out of the 3,009 adults taking in the survey:

  • 95% said that research staff treated them with courtesy and respect.
  • 93% felt that research staff valued their participation in the study. 
  • 93% felt that research staff valued their participation in the study.
  • 92% said that the information they have received prepared them for the study. 
  • 92% would consider taking part in research again.
  • 88% knew how to contact the research team for any queries or concerns.
  • 79% felt that they have been kept up to date with the study.
  • 77% knew how they would receive the results of the study.

Out of the 269 C&YP responses:

  • 99% said that research staff treated their child with courtesy and respect.
  • 97% felt that research staff valued their child’s participation in the study.
  • 95% would consider their child taking part in research again.
  • 94% knew how to contact the research team for any queries or concerns.
  • 90% said that the information that I received about the research when my child was invited to take part was easy for me to understand.
  • 87% felt that they have been kept up to date with the study.
  • 85% knew how they would receive the results of the study.

Participants also also used the survey to give more details of their positive experiences:

“Very organised, no waiting, welcoming staff, queries answered.”
“Friendly, professional staff, felt valued as a contributor.”
“Approach of the team, positive message and ability to help others via research.”

Areas of improvement

There were no statistically significant improvement areas identified in the responses from C&YP, however when analysing the adult responses: 

  • 21% did not know how they would receive the results of the study.
  • 5% felt that they had not been kept up to date with the study.
  • 5% did not know how they could contact the research team for any queries or concerns.

Once again, PRES was used to highlight issues and areas on which research experiences could be improved:

  • IT issues
  • A lack of face-to-face meetings
  • Information being complicated and excessive

If you are interested in participating in a study, please visit the Be Part of Research website, where you can find trials recruiting in your local area. 

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