
Dianna Moylan: spreading the word about health research

  • 18 May 2020
  • 1 min read

Milton Keynes’ Dianna Moylan is a Research Champion, where members of the public volunteer to spread the word about health and care research. 

“Having spent a lifetime being cared for by the NHS, I want to give back where I can. I am aware that without research no progress is made in any field, have been a research subject on several occasions, and now edit and comment on research materials, sometimes in bids for funding, and more often in getting information into plain English. 

“One of my very early memories is my father taking me aside and telling me that the NHS was starting today! One of his siblings died in the thirties for lack of money for a doctor. He said this would never happen again in the UK. I want to support our wonderful medical system and I promote the NHS whenever I can.

“I am a volunteer at Healthwatch Milton Keynes, with a particular interest in how our local council supports those affected by dementia, both those people living with it and those people supporting them. My brain will be going to research when I die and I delight in the idea that even after death I will be useful. Being useful is something I delight in and there is no age limit to this, I hope.”

Learn more about the Research Champions programme

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