
PRINCIPLE Study: Excellent Recruitment by The Jorvik Gillygate Practice

  • 30 November 2021
  • 2 min read

The PRINCIPLE study is investigating treatments for Covid-19, enabling patients to recover at home. The study aims to help vulnerable people and reduce the amount of people being admitted to hospital.

Congratulations must be awarded to the Jorvik Gillygate Practice, in York, and its staff. They have made an excellent contribution to the PRINCIPLE study, recruiting 74 people to the study.

Dr Francesco Palumbo, a GP, at the Jorvik Gillygate Practice explains why the surgery joined the PRINCIPLE team:

“I am proud to be working with the PRINCIPLE team on an Urgent Public Health Research Trial at such a difficult time. I still remember when we accepted the study with excitement at the most uncertain time during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, when it felt of great importance to offer our Surgery expertise for this task” .

Dr Palumbo explains why the PRINCIPLE study has been so successful and how the surgery has been able to recruit so many people:

“An innovative aspect of this study is its platform set up, whereby new trial drugs are added or removed from the intervention arm as evidence grows. Often these have been medications that have been discussed publicly, such as hydroxychloroquine, and it has helped recruitment on more than one occasion to be able to offer our patients the opportunity to help us build evidence towards their use for Covid” .

Following their participation in the PRINCIPLE Study, the Jorvik Gillygate Practice is continuing their participation in research taking part in other studies such as CANAssess, which identifies and manages issues faced by people living with cancer.

Again very well done to the staff at the Jorvik Gillygate Practice for their hard work on the PRINCIPLE study.

Who can take part in the PRINCIPLE?

Anyone over 18 with a positive Covid-19 status within the last two weeks and is unwell with symptoms, can take part in the PRINCIPLE study.

The PRINCIPLE study is also completely remote, meaning you can take part from home, with no face-to-face visits.

How can I take part?

If you would like more information head to the PRINCIPLE Study website or contact the PRINCIPLE Study team on 0800 138 0880 and If you would like to take part you can immediately, by answering the screening questionnaire.

Or if you are a healthcare professional, looking to enrol a patient access information here.

You can also check to see if your GP is participating in the study and discuss your suitability with your GP.

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