
South West Health Professionals Offered Support and Training to Become Principal Investigators (PIs)

  • 3 August 2020
  • 2 min read

Nearly fifty health and social care professionals from the South West have received training to learn more about developing their own research locally and becoming Principal Investigators (PIs).

The two hour training was hosted online by the NIHR CRN South West Peninsula and offered participants the chance to learn more about local research, the opportunities to become a PI and the guidance and support available to them.

The training was open to all health and care professions, with a broad range of attendees which included consultants and nurses alongside social workers and podiatrists. In charge of running the training were a group of health research professionals with a wealth of experience as both PIs and in delivering research as part of a team, in and outside of, the NHS. The presentations were led by Dr Camille Carroll an Associate Professor and Honorary Consultant Neurologist with the University of Plymouth and University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and also the National Specialty Lead for Neurodegenerative Diseases for the NIHR CRN and a Clinical Research Lead in the South West.

The training allowed for live debate, questions and answers and the further development of a ‘PI Buddy System’ for the South West which will connect new PIs with suitable mentors who have established themselves to offer peer support and guidance.

Dr Carroll said, “I was delighted to help deliver PI training to 48 people last week. Thank you to everyone who participated and particularly those who took the time to provide feedback. Covid is showing us very clearly the importance of research in driving forward changes in health and social care delivery, and it is vital that we have people with the skills, interest and passion to undertake this important work for the benefit of our patients, our health and social care organisations and for us all.”

This training follows other local initiatives to further support research careers and develop new research in the South West with the aim of ultimately offering the widest selection of health and care opportunities to the local population.

Are you interested in becoming a Principal Investigator or in finding out more?

The next PI training session is expected to take place in early autumn 2020 and you can keep up-to-date with the latest training and development opportunities through a local dedicated Workforce Development Microsite.

If you have any queries about this training or other opportunities contact the NIHR CRN South West Peninsula Workforce Development Team at:

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