
Care Homes have so much to contribute to research

  • 16 May 2024
  • 1 min read

"Research is vital to improving the way we work"

Dementia Action Week

Care home manager Genovaite Bujokiene has been involving staff, residents and their families in a number of dementia-focused research studies.

And this Dementia Action Week she is raising awareness of the important role care homes can play in this vital work.

Genovaite, who is known as Gen, has been working at the Forbury Residential Home, in Leominster, for the last 17 years.

The Registered Care Manager runs the family home for 37 residents with dementia,old age, and frailty, supporting 32 staff to give their best to those they care for.

Gen explained that Sonnet is one example of the dementia-focused research they have been involved in. This study team worked with care homes to understand the best way to measure residents' levels of social connections. They then devised a measure and returned to the care homes to test it.

The measure which takes the form of a questionnaire, was tested by having conversations with residents and later gaining a trusted member of staff or family member's perspective on the residents' social connection levels.

Gen said: "We will continue to be actively involved, and I will ensure that my staff, residents and their families are kept up to date and encouraged to take part. We think it's important to acknowledge that research is an integral part of improving the way we work.

"I genuinely believe that research is vital to rule out the causes of conditions such asdementia, find what is not working or is working and always aim for improvements forfuture generations.

"Care homes have so much experience, and knowledge to contribute to research, every
little helps."

The home will mark Dementia Action Week with a Summer Fete.

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